
Hochschule Niederrhein. Dein Weg.

Workshop „Job Applications and Job Interviews“

08:00 - 12:00

This workshop is designed to acquaint yourself with the inner workings of applications, writing dynamic cover letters and how to use personal strengths and weaknesses to your advantage in the application process. We will work with authentic material, both British and American, as well as a multitude of sources to improve your general English knowledge as well. In addition, grammar and essential vocabulary will be trained and revised.

  • Datum: Mittwoch, 12. April 2023
  • Dozent:in: Hr. Bolz
  • Anmeldung: Anmeldung bis einschl. Dienstag, 4. April 2023 unter: HIO ( Studienangebot => Vorlesungsverzeichnis anzeigen => Sprachenzentrum KR => Campuswoche Sommersemester 2023 (Link)
  • Zoom: Zugelassene TN erhalten den Zoom- und Moodle-Zugang am 06.04.2023 per E-Mail.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Studierende in BA- und MA-Studiengängen, Doktorand:innen und Beschäftigte.

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